So you’re starting a wallpaper project, huh? YIIPPIIEEE these are my favorite kinds of projects! Because I’ve been around the block a time or two with good ol’ wallpaper, I’ve put together a list of basic do’s and don’ts that I’ve learned along the way.

I hope this helps as you begin your wallpaper projects!
Let’s start with the green light…
1) Get testers first!
Before you buy wallpaper for your upcoming project, be sure and get testers first. You may love how the wallpaper looks online or you might think it will look good in your space, but once you see it in person you may feel a whole different way about it.
Getting testers before buying will help you save time, money, and headaches!
2) Think big picture.
Here’s what to consider:
Consider how the room is used
This will help steer you in the right direction when it comes to cultivating a vibe. For example, we typically want to feel relaxed in our bedrooms because It’s where we unwind and rest. And in our bathrooms we usually want to feel clean and refreshed.
With that said, make sure you select patterns and colors that make good collaborating partners with the type of energy you’re going for.
Consider where you want the wallpaper
Are you wanting to cover an entire wall with paper?
Just on one wall, or as a focal point? Do you want to use wallpaper as a piece of art?
Perhaps you want to use wallpaper to elevate furniture.
Whatever the case, be sure to think about this before starting your project and buying wallpaper.
Consider how long you want the wallpaper
Are you wanting the wallpaper temporarily or long term? If you are wanting something more temporary I suggest peel and stick because it's easier to remove.
If you’re wanting long term, go for original wallpaper.
Consider the details
- The room (bedroom, restroom, hallway, kid’s room, pantry, etc.)
- The furniture in the room
- The fixtures you want to use
- The lighting
It’s important to think about every detail before starting a wallpaper project, to ensure everything will jive together!
3) Buy extra
Everyone makes mistakes so I suggest buying an extra roll just in case you need it. It’s better to have more than not enough.
This will save you from unnecessary stress and waiting for additional wallpaper if you run out mid project.
No uh-oh spaghetti O’s here!
4) Prepare the wall
Trust me on this! I can’t stress this enough - It is essential to make sure your wall is smooth before applying your wallpaper.
For groovy smooth walls, follow the steps below:
Step One: Take it Off
Remove any nails, cover any holes left from nails or tacks, smooth over flaky paint (if any), and remove light switch plates.
Step Two: Rub a Dub Dub
Give your wall a good cleaning. My go to cleaner is a simple mix of hot water and vinegar. I love it because there are no chemicals, and you most likely have it lying around the house.
It also does wonders to get rid of grime and grease! This is a friendly mix for painted walls as well.
Step Three: Dry it Up!
Let your walls dry. Then patiently wait with a glass of wine.
Step Four: Dress Up
Apply your wallpaper.
Live happily ever after!
Now for the yellow/Red light…
1) Don’t fear the fifth wall
What is the fifth wall, you ask? The ceiling!
I will never forget the first time I noticed wallpaper on a ceiling. I was out to eat at a work dinner and had to use the restroom. TMI but literally while I was on the toilet, I couldn’t help but to notice the restaurant's funky wallpaper of womens faces looking down at me while I pee’d.
And that’s when I fell in love.
Seriously though, it was a great talking point and added so much personality to the restroom.
The fifth wall is often sadly rejected, but it can add so much fun and pizzas to a space. So, don’t be shy here!
2) Don’t think you have to do a full wall
Some of the coolest projects I’ve seen are focused on making wallpaper a focal point in a room. You can do this by framing wallpaper or using it on individual walls.
The wall of a kitchen island
The wall behind a fireplace
The wall behind a vanity mirror in the bathroom
One wall in a pantry, closet, or playroom
Taking your favorite pattern from wallpaper and framing it
Taking part of a mural from wallpaper and framing it
And much, much more
Do not fall into the trap of thinking you have to cover an entire wall with your wallpaper. It’s just not true. Be creative here!
3) Don’t neglect the fine print
Some wallpaper is labeled as a “drop match,” and others as a “straight match.”
Drop match wallpaper is paper that can be hung as staggered patterns. This gives a less linear look when applied. Note that because of this, more paper will be wasted.
Straight match wallpaper is a little easier to apply in my opinion because the pattern meets at the same spot while applying it to your wall or other surfaces. I usually opt for this option because of this. And as a bonus, less waste is involved because of how the pattern meets up.
Either way, be aware of which one you purchase so you know what to expect and how to apply it later.
Let’s park the Car…
Alrighty friends, I hope these Do’s and Don’ts help you in your next wallpaper adventure! Don’t forget to add your projects below for the Flamingo fam to see. I can’t wait to see your amazing projects.
Click here to see pictures of my personal favorite wallpaper projects I’ve completed.
Click here for a discount code to start using my favorite wallpaper brand, DeccoPrint
Yours Truly,
Typsy Flypsy