Picture it: You’re in line at the Starbucks drive through waiting to place your order. As you’re waiting, you’re anticipating all of the amazing pieces that you’ll come across today. There’s a nice warm breeze (well, depending on where you live). I’m in Texas, so the breeze is actually hot as hell most of the time. So, you know, what scratch that. My point is there’s fresh air coming your way, whatever temperature it may be at… you catch my drift.
As you’re pulling out of Starbies you make your way to the nearest garage sale, trash day, or Goodwill. You spend the day looking and browsing for treasures. To others it might be trash, but you see potential illuminating from each piece.
You bring all your goodies home.
And that’s when the magic happens.
That's when the almost free therapy happens.
You get to turn trash into treasure!
And a day or two later you sell the magic you just created to a happy customer.
You exchange your hard work, love, and therapy for…. drumroll please….
That’s right. Money, honey!
I’m here to talk to you about my top 8 reasons I believe furniture flipping is the best side hustle!
So, let’s get started.
1) Furniture Flipping is a Unique Side Hustle
Let me start off by saying, you’re here for a reason. Most likely you got here because you were googling side hustles, trying to figure out ways to make extra money. And I totally get why! With inflation and all kinds of reasons, life just seems to be getting more and more expensive. For all of us.
When you googled ‘side Hustles,’ you probably came across long lists that included things like:
Dog Sitting/Walking
Admin work from home jobs
And so on and so forth. Hey, listen - There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of these! Even did some of them back in my day. BUT, not one of those was I able to put my creativity into. Not one of those felt like a unique side hustle to me. I was hustling alright, but I wasn’t able to be my unique self while doing so.
So, if you’re wanting to start a side hustle while keeping your independence and creativity, you’re in the right place!
I promise with each piece of furniture you flip, you get to put your own spin on it. You can be as quirky or as clean cut as you want. The choice is completely yours.
2)You’ll Stay Active
You won’t have to worry about the secretary booty while on the job!
I’ve worked several office jobs in the past and one thing that was always hard for me was staring at a screen while sitting on my butt for hours.
You too?
Yeah, I thought so. That’s because we’re not meant to sit idly by for hours like that.
Furniture flipping is a side hustle that will keep you movin’ and groovin’ while having fun AND making cash monAY!
3) It’s a Side Hustle That Pays Well

One big reason why this side hustle pays well is because your starting fees are so low. You’re literally using people’s ‘trash,’ or donated items. Which means $free.99 or close to it! For a smooth start, I recommend buying basic materials ahead of time. But even this is a very low cost.
Low starting fee = big profits.
The money you make all depends on the time it takes for you to complete a piece and how many pieces you want to flip. Most of that is up to you! That’s part of what makes furniture flipping the best side hustle - you’re not having to wait 1-2 whole weeks to get paid for your hard work.
4) It’s a Side Hustle You Can Do at Home (for the most part)....
Besides the weekly trash days, picking up material, and shopping, this is mostly a work from home side hustle. I spend a majority of my time working on pieces from the comfort of my own home with my fur babies #dogmom.
I’d like to also take a moment to say, you don’t have to flip pieces exactly like me. If you aren’t able to participate in trash days (maybe your city doesn’t have one, or maybe digging through people’s trash just aint your thang, and you think I’m crazy) it’s totally fine,that's not a deal breaker for this side hustle. You can easily scroll through Marketplace to see if anyone is giving away treasures for free, or simply go to local garage sales. That works out just fine too!
Piggy backing off of that idea… you might be thinking, “Okay, Typsy Flypsy, that all sounds great, but I don’t have a big enough vehicle to make this work.” To which I’d reply, “Step away from the violin and cheer up buttercup!” You don’t have to have a truck or trailer to be able to do this. Instead, grab the smaller items you can fit in your car.
Do what you can and take the pieces of my advice that work for you!
5) Furniture Flipping = Free Therapy
Furniture flipping wouldn’t be the best side hustle if it didn’t include free therapy! Alright, alright, it’s not exactly free, but it’s pretty close.
I’m not saying all counseling can be replaced with furniture flipping, especially if you’re working through things. We’ve all been there! But I am saying, counseling sessions can be expensive, and just not realistic for everyone because of the cost.
Again, please don’t think I’m saying to replace therapy with furniture flipping.
I added this section here because I believe in the power of art and how healing it can be for people. Furniture flipping is a form of art. I can’t tell you how much this side hustle has helped me work through things mentally. As I’ve physically been working on pieces, my mind has worked through massive strongholds.
That’s all I’m saying… you might be surprised what all you can work through when you pick up a paintbrush or tool and get busy creating!
6) This is a Side Hustle You can Do With a Full Time Job
Another reason furniture flipping is the best side hustle is because you can choose how often you want to do it. It’s all up to you! If you have a full time job, this is something you can easily do in the evenings or on the weekends.
But on the other flypsy side, furniture flipping can be much more than a part time gig. Which brings me to my next point…
7) Furniture Flipping is Not Just a Side hustle
You're the boss lady - or man. That’s the best part about all of this: you can do as much of it or as little as you want! You get to decide. You may find you fall so in love with your new side hustle that you want to turn it into a business. That’s what I did. And I’ve never been happier as Typsy Flypsy!
For me, this has become more than just a side hustle, it’s become my business, and dare I say, a lifestyle. It’s given me a fresh perspective on life. Turning things others see as old and unwanted into something new and desirable, just by showing it some love.
And isn’t that what we’re all wanting in life…
8) It’s Rewarding
Finally, furniture flipping is the best side hustle because it's a rewarding one.
There’s nothing like seeing a finished Typsy Flypsy flip! I love seeing how a piece of so-called trash can be elevated and turned into something special for the next owner. Sometimes I even struggle saying goodbye to some of my creations. They allow me to paint a picture and tell a story. And I absolutely adore the fact that I get to do that for a living!
So there you have it, my top 8 reasons furniture flipping is the best side hustle. It's one of few where you can stay true
to your unique self all while creating magic, getting therapy, and cash
along the way!